Preservative Systems Osmose® preservative systems to offer the best features and benefits available, depending upon the end application, from landscaping products to agricultural, structural, export and visual grade products. Should you require any further information, please email us or call our customer services number on 0800 78 70 70.
Hylite® Antisapstain Hylite® Antisapstains are one of the most successful and recognised family of antisapstain products within the local and export markets. Antisapstains offer protection from mould and sapstain fungi to timber products during seasoning and / or export. Should you require any further information, please email us or call our customer services number on 0800 78 70 70.
Colourants Osmose® MicroShades™ is a pigmented colorant system that can be used as an “in solution” system, specifically developed for wood treated with the MicroPro® preservative system. Should you require any further information, please email us or call our customer services number on 0800 78 70 70.
Solution Additives Osmose® offer a variety of solution additives including in-solution colorants, wax based emulsions and mouldicides. Should you require any further information, please email us or call our customer services number on 0800 78 70 70.
Process Control System Osmose® have developed plant automation technology (PCS), that provides full plant automation including on-screen simulation, in-depth reporting and integration with other management / accounting systems, capable of developing individual charge sheets and recording individual customer information and history. Should you require any further information, please email us or call our customer services number on 0800 78 70 70.